Health & Well-Being
Libraries have many wellbeing resources - find out more here.

Reading Well
Reading Well helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.

Reading Well: Books on Prescription
Books can help you understand and manage your own health and wellbeing. We have books which are recommended by health experts, as well as by people who have life experience to share. These books can help you, your relatives or carers.

Books to Boost your Mood
Mood-boosting Books is a nationwide scheme which promotes uplifting, inspiring and motivational reading, from novels and poetry to self-help and how-to books.

Macmillan Health and Wellbeing Information Hub
Llanrwst Library has teamed up with Macmillan Cancer Support to develop a Health and Wellbeing Hub.

Shared Reading
Reading alone is rewarding, but reading with others can be just as enjoyable and inspiring. Why not share a short story or poem with others in a relaxed, friendly setting?

Reading Friends
Reading Friends is The Reading Agency’s social reading and befriending programme. It connects people by starting conversations through reading, giving opportunities to meet others, share stories, make new friends and have fun.

We have 15 themed memory boxes which can be borrowed free of charge.