Pupils from Ysgol Nant y Groes came up with the archway concept relating to the A55’s Rainbow Bridge which acts as the unofficial gateway to the Bay of Colwyn. The idea was developed further with Penrhos Avenue Pupil Referral Unit, the students were keen to build on the environmental theme creating flowers and pollinators - highlighting their importance to local biodiversity. Pollinators in the form of butterflies feature in this animation created about the nearby Fairy Glen.
Pollinator Arch, Quiet Garden, Old Colwyn

Small World Theatre artists’ description
The arch is created with bent scaffold poles. The pollinators are made from a variety of reclaimed and recycled materials, such as the Ladybird made from an old riot police helmet, rubber car steeling boot and painted plywood offcuts. The beetle is made from an old hardhat and a plastic mask. Another insect is made from drinks bottles donated pipe and an aluminium offset litho-printing plate.
The bumblebee and oak leaves are cut from steel.* The recycled theme continues with flowers made from discarded picnic set, children’s toy tractor wheels and scrap iron curtain pole finials. The sun is made from an old copper water tank. The big ant repurposes a quad bike tank, deep fat fryer and a fishing float.