Taith - Creative Journey's to Wellbeing!
Being creative and taking part in art and culture-led activity is proven to support wellbeing!
Being creative and taking part in art and culture-led activity is proven to support wellbeing! Conwy County Borough Council’s Culture Outreach and Mental Wellness Teams partnered with Conwy Mind to develop Taith - an artist-led programme for people experiencing mental health challenges.
- · “These sessions have helped me form a friend group and gave me the strength to deal with life and chronic pain due to arthritis”.
- · “This activity has/is having a marked effect on both my mental health and creativity. These classes have provided a focus and introduced ways of finding mindfulness through art and nature”
A downloadable pack with activities and creative prompts has been created to inspire and encourage people to continue their creative journey can be found below.
Taith - Pecyn Cymraeg
Taith- English Pack
In addition Taith offered Arts in Health training and development opportunities for artists.
Taith has been funded through Arts Council of Wales’ Arts, Health and Wellbeing Lottery Fund and delivered as part of Creu Conwy’s, (Creating the Spark, a Cultural Strategy for Conwy County 2021-2028)
UK Shared Prosperity Fund project.